
Coldstream has an enviable list of local organisations, all of which help keep the town running. From Civic week, arguably the best week-long festival in the Borders, to Coldstream in Bloom and the Christmas lights display to name a few, they just would not take place without the army of locals who give up their spare time to make Coldstream ‘second to none’.


Community Council

Your community council is the most local tier of statutory representation.
For any concerns contact Joy Thompson, Chair email
or contact the Secretary email

Community Trust

Owns, maintains and runs activities in the Community Centre, and has a development committee that initiates projects within the community to try to improve all aspects of the environment and heritage. We also run the Hudson Hirsel Fund for Hudson Hirsel LLP. Grants are awarded twice yearly to local voluntary bodies, in May and November.
tel: 01890 883332 or email

Community News

A valuable and informative quarterly community newsletter with specific organisation news and dates for the diary produced by the Coldstream Gateway Association, and edited by John Fulton.
The newsletters are generally hand-delivered to letterboxes by a group of volunteers but the Gateway Association is hoping to expand its electronic versions. News can be submitted to him at any time, via e-mail or through his letterbox at 28 High Street.
tel: 01890 882791
download the latest eddition

Gateway Association

The Gateway Association is very important in keeping the town in an attractive fashion, whether it is the impressive Christmas Lights on the High Street, installing beautiful flowers in the town during the summer and attracting regional floral awards. The Association also produces the quarterly Coldstream Community News through John Fulton.
Contact: Pat Fulton
tel: 01890 882791 or email


Presenting Coldstream

The ‘Presenting Coldstream’ is vital in organising Coldstream’s civic week which is the last-in-the-year border festival.
Contact: Chloe Macgregor

Pipe Band

Coldstream Pipe Band has existed since the 1950s and encourages youth to join its ranks for initial training and then official duties. The band practices most Monday nights at 7pm in the Primary School Hall. Currently the band has an excellent blend of experience and youth. The band leads the horse cavalcade on the Thursday of civic week and carries out several official duties, not only in Coldstream, during the year.
Pipe Major Keith Guthrie
tel: 07584 201788
Chair: Gordon Thompson
tel: 01890 882455
Secretary: Elspeth Bell
tel: 01890 882211

Riders’ Association

The Riders’ Association is a group of very well organised horse people who organise the horse cavalcades in Coldstream civic week and the enjoyable equestrian events in that week.
Contact: Wendy Younger
tel: 07704 587914

Ex Coldstreamer Association

The Ex-Coldstreamers Association is a group of men who in previous years have been the ‘Coldstreamer’, the main young man in Coldstream Civic Week and representing Coldstream at other Border Festivals. The Association recommends to ‘Presenting Coldstream’ who the next ‘Coldstreamer’ should be. The association carries out a lot of community work and hosts an annual dinner in March each year.
Contact: Richard Dickson
tel: 01890 882895 or email

Twinning Association

Coldstream Twinning Association has existed for over 20 years and is twinned with Bennecourt in the Yvelines District of Il de France, 50 miles west of Paris and on the banks of the River Seine. It’s a beautiful and welcoming area. Exchanges generally take place every 18 months, whether the French are hosted here, or the French host.
If you would like to become involved in hosting or visiting, contact:
Frances Mather, Secretary
tel: 01890 883188

Guards Association

Coldstream was the founding place of the Coldstream Guards, and is part of an association or branch. The Guards were given the Freedom of Coldstream Burgh and 2018 is the 50th anniversary of the Freedom of the Burgh.
The main contact is ex-guardsman Jock Law (BEM)
tel: 01890 882333

Coldstream Charity Fundraisers

Coldstream Charity Fundraisers has a Coldstream Committee and it works very hard to raise funds for local charities.
Contacts are Chair: Susan Vassallo
tel: 01890 882696 or email
Secretary: Caroline Douglas-Home
tel: 01890 882303 or email

British Red Cross

The British Red Cross ‘Refuses to Ignore People in Crisis’ as much in Coldstream as anywhere in the world. Contact can be made to request first aid cover for an event, request the loan of a wheelchair, therapeutic treatment, a ‘Buddy’ or transport to hospital or clinic appointments for a relative or friend.
Coldstream contact:
tel: 01896 751 888

Over 60s

The group meets every Thursday between 2pm-4pm in the Coldstream Bowling Club during autumn, winter and spring (summer break). The club has around 45 members but would welcome more. Sessions include: music, speakers, demos, a mystery trip, spring outing, Christmas party, weekly get-together.
Contact: Chair: Colleen Howard
tel: 07874 203779 or email

Parish Church

Coldstream Parish Church has existed from 1718 although the present building has existed only from the turn of the 20th Century. The church is located on the High Street, beside the pelican crossing, and services are held every Sunday morning from 11:15am. The Parish Minister is the Reverend David Taverner ACIS, MCIBS, BD and he can be contacted on 01890 883887
tel: 01890 883887

St. Mary and All Souls Church

St. Mary and All Souls Scottish Episcopal Church is a welcoming church in Berwickshire in the Scottish borders dating from the late nineteenth century.
Contact: The Rector is the Revd. Chris Jones
tel: 01361 884326 or 07745 410487


Coldstream’s Heritage Ltd is a Community Interest Company (CIC) (Ltd by Guarantee), that was established by Trevor Swan, Will Murray and Gerald Tait to project manage the repair, conservation and interpretation of the medieval Lennel Kirk.

Coldstream Mens’ Shed

The Men’s Shed, a charity, offers an opportunity for gents to enjoy company, camaraderie and new skills. It is based in the Rodger Hall in Victoria Street and is open every Tuesday and Thursday between 10am and 4pm. 
Chair: Jock Law (BEM)
tel: 01890 882333 or email
Secretary Stephen Acornley email

Community Cinema

The Coldstream Community Trust runs the cinema using modern equipment in the Coldstream Community Centre. Notices of future shows are displayed on the external and internal notice boards of the centre and in various other prominent spots in the town.
Contact: Ann Tait
tel: 01890 882625

Royal British Legion

The Legion’s clubrooms are behind the Parish Church and were modernised a year ago. The most regular event hosted in the clubrooms are Saturday morning coffee mornings. The premises can be booked for other events.
Contact: Robert Bell
tel: 01890 882211

Burns Club

Coldstream Burns Club has existed since 1888 and welcomes new members. It hosts two Burns Suppers each year: a gents supper on a Saturday evening near the Bard’s birthday of 25th January, then a Mixed Evening usually on the second Saturday of February. The quality of speakers and entertainers is very high. The Club also has a Burns Bridge Ceremony, normally on the second Sunday of May.
Contact: John Elliot
tel: 01890 882176 or email

Bridge Club

The Bridge club meets weekly in the Coldstream Community Centre.
Contact: Suzanne Atkins
tel: 01890 883041 or email

1513 Club

The Flodden 1513 Club annually commemorates the Scots who fell at the Battle of Flodden in 1513. It also supports anything to do with heritage. It runs an annual School Essay Competition and an annual dinner in September. Secretary: James Bell tel: 01890 850336 or email


History Society

Coldstream has a popular and vibrant local history society and it meets for talks/presentations during autumn, winter and spring on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in the Eildon Centre.
President: John Elliot 01890 882176 Secretary: Lynne Burgess 01890 883947
The society has a very informative website:

Social & Literary Society

Often referred to as the ‘Lit’, the Coldstream Social and Literary Society is a very popular forum for talks and presentations. The events and dates/times are usually highlighted in the ‘Berwickshire News’.
Contact: Beth Tweddle 01890 885992

Art Group

Chair: Gordon Thomson 01890 882455 or
Secretary:  Ann Brydon 01890 840349

Flower Show

The next Flower Show will be held in the Community Centre. Schedules are published in January and will be available in various venues around the town, on our Facebook page or by phoning Corinne Robertson on 07712 818048.

It’s not just flowers on display but also vegetables, fruit and a strong industrial section of photography, handicrafts, knitting and floral art.


This is a Scottish Borders Council initiative but organised in Coldstream by Guy Richardson . Gentle-paced walks are organised every Thursday at 10am, leaving from the community centre. On return, light refreshments are available.
tel: 0771 7547861

Scottish Women’s Institute (The Rural)

The Institute meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month in the Leet Room of the Community Centre at 7pm, with meetings usually finishing about 9.00pm. We meet from September to May and have some sort of summer event or outing. We aim to have a varied mixture of speakers and demonstrators over the year and forthcoming meetings are advertised around the town, in the local press and on our Facebook page. Being a proficient baker or needleworker is definitely not a necessity for Coldstream SWI – just a willingness to meet up with a friendly bunch of ladies once a month. Nor do you need to be retired! More information is available from Susan on 01890 882562