Membership & Background
There are many ways to support or get involved with the Community Trust and Community Centre.
As a registered charity we receive lots of local support, however we can always use more support to allow us to continually improve what we offer. Getting involved by becoming a Member of the Trust (no charge) is also a great way to meet people and make new friends.
We need volunteers on the ground to assist at events and functions, from coffee mornings, to auctions to the Christmas lights.
Individuals can offer support in any way possible, either financial (a bequest is an excellent thought), donations of goods, or expertise in specialist areas. Or simply sharing information.
And of course we need Trustees for the Board of Trustees, which meets once a month. A person keen to join us should have the spirit of the community at their heart. However, skills and experience in property, project management, finance, HR, organisation of events, social inclusion, sport, recreation and leisure activities, retail, environment, marketing and tourism are always welcome.
Contact The Centre on 01890 883332 if you would like to become a Member or a Trustee, or discuss the possibilities.

200 Club
Join our 200 Club and have a chance to win up to £250 each month.
The 200 Club provides much needed funding for the ongoing and increasing costs of running this building. Indeed, at the moment this club is our main regular source of income and is vital to the future of project.
The cost of taking a number in the draw is £5 per month. At the end of each month a draw takes place and four lucky winners receive £250, £150, £50 and £50 respectively. Three bonus prizes of £50 each are also drawn in the months of June and December – all this for just £5 per month!
The £5 per month is paid by monthly standing order to the Trust. You can download an application form HERE or by calling into the centre. This should be completed and signed where marked and handed into Sandra Law, 5 Tweed Terrace Coldstream TD12 4AT or Sally Campbell, Nesby Place, Duke Street, Coldstream TD12 4BP
Not only are 200 Club members making an important contribution towards the success of the Centre but they will also have the opportunity of winning a valuable cash prize each month.
Donate to the Centre for free just by shopping online and it doesn’t cost you a penny extra.
By signing up to and choosing Coldstream Community Centre, you can raise money for the Centre just by shopping online at many of your favourite stores. When you shop online with one of the 3,147 shops and sites they give easyfundraising a commission for your purchase. That is then turned into a donation and given it to us. Easy!